The Ashmolean Museum’s exhibition ‘Colour Revolution: Victorian Art, Fashion and Design’ is a thrilling revelation of nineteenth-century Britain’s widely unrecognised visual vibrancy. Jane Pritchard’s DANSOX lecture, attended by the exhibition’s curators, took this one step further, demonstrating that a greater understanding of the use of colour on the Victorian stage also overturns many of our assumptions about contemporaneous English ballet. Taking the Ashmolean exhibition as her starting point, Pritchard argued that by thinking across boundaries and following the archival evidence on the use of colour in theatrical design, we can begin to recover the largely forgotten fifty years of dance in England that lie between the romantic ballet period and the arrival in London of the Ballets Russes.


The ERC project CHROMOTOPE, TORCH and Dance Scholarship Oxford (DANSOX) in conjunction with the Ashmolean’s current fascinating exhibition host the immensely knowledgeable Jane Pritchard (V&A) who will lecture on design and costume for dance as it relates to the Victorian “Colour Revolution”.

There will be an opportunity for questions at the end of Jane’s talk, followed by drinks in the foyer.

As this talk falls on Shrove Tuesday, DANSOX welcomes you to join for pancakes after the talk at 19.15. If you would like to sign up for pancakes, please email, and include any dietary requirements.

Date: 13th February 2024 (Shrove Tuesday) 5.30pm

Venue: Jacqueline du Pré Building, St Hilda’s College, Oxford, OX4 1DY

Booking: This event is free and open to all, please book online here

You can find further information about DANSOX and its programme of forthcoming events here