Dance Revolutionaries is a captivating 74-minute exploration of raw emotion through dance set in stunning locations, showcasing Portraits – five solo dances, and an innovative production of the rarely-seen ballet, Sea of Troubles. From Emmy-nominated director David Stewart, the film explores the emotive world of two dance visionaries: choreographers Kenneth MacMillan and Robert Cohan, who redefined our connection to the art form.

Cohan’s film work Portraits is an intimate series of solos created with award-winning dancers. MacMillan’s Sea of Troubles, inspired by Shakespeare’s Hamlet, poignantly explores universal human emotions of grief, jealousy and the drive for revenge.

Yorke Dance Project, in partnership with the Royal Ballet and award-winning artists, produces and performs this extraordinary journey, providing unprecedented access to the revolutionary works of Cohan and MacMillan.

Director: David Stewart
UK, 2024, 74 minutes, PG rated
Cast: Dane Hurst, Romany Pajdak, Edd Mitton, Jonathan Goddard, Freya Jeffs, Oxana Panchenko, Benjamin Warbis, Yolande Yorke Edgell, Laurel Dalley Smith

Dance Revolutionaries: Two Artists Who Revolutionised Dance In The Twentieth Century will be screening nationwide from 24th June, with screenings in Oxford on 26th and 30th June at the Phoenix Picturehouse and Curzon.

Date: Wednesday 26th June 8.20pm Phoenix Picturehouse and 6.20pm Curzon Oxford, Sunday 30th June 2.40pm Phoenix Picturehouse

Venues: Phoenix Picturehouse, 57 Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6AE: Curzon Oxford, Westgate Shopping Centre, Oxford OX1 1NZ

Find information about all screenings and how to book tickets here

Find out more about Yorke Dance Project here

Read Susie Crow’s piece about the history of Sea of Troubles and its revival for Yorke Dance here